Month: January 2011

going to america

When I was six, my parents and I moved back to the U.S. after being stationed in Germany for three years. What followed was a sincere attempt on the part of our extended family to reassimilate us into American pop culture,...

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mixtape 9: 5 for ’10

Since we are only a week into 2011, I thought I’d take a moment to reflect on the past year with this offering of some of my favorite songs released in 2010. I call it… wait for it… 5 for ’10. Vampire...

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troublesome ’11

Today marks the sixth anniversary of my move to California. For those unfamiliar with the story, a recap: I used my already-overburdened credit card to buy a one-way flight to L.A. after spending my first year and a half after...

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In lieu of New Year’s resolutions, upon returning from our holiday travels I decided to just make a giant to-do list instead. I made this list on Sunday, and by the time I went back to it the following day I was having...

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“So, this is your first married Christmas!” my father-in-law informed us cheerfully. Yes. Yes, it was. “So, does this mean we can hang it up this year only?” the beau asked dubiously, holding up a heavy silver heart-shaped...

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